Earn2Trade Affiliate Dashboard

Earn2Trade Affiliate Dashboard
“One-Stop Resource for Tracking Sales, Monitoring Commissions, and Reviewing Payouts Records”

A Quick Guide to Affiliate Dashboard Advantages

What is the Affiliate Link?
Specialized URL uses to promote Earn2Trade products discreetly and securely.
º Find your unique Affiliate Link easily appears in the Affiliate Dashboard 🔻


What is the Referral ID?

Specialized CODE uses as same as your affiliate link to purchase Earn2Trade products.
º Find your unique Referral ID easily appears at the end of your Affiliate Link 🔻


How do I make Money?

Specialized RATE to earn commissions for LIFE for every client you refer to Earn2Trade.
º Find your Commissions Rate easily appears in the Affiliate Dashboard 🔻


How do I check my Performance?

Specialized STATS to Track Clicks, Sales, and Commissions from Your Referrals with Detailed Reports.
º Find your Quick Stats easily appears in the Affiliate Dashboard 🔻


How do I know I will be paid for my Referral?

Earn2Trade Dashboard ensuring Automatic, Accurate Referral Tracking with Cookies and IP Addresses.
º Find your Commissions easily appears in the Affiliate Dashboard 🔻


How & When will I be paid?

Affiliates receive monthly payments between the 5th and 10th via PayPal, Bank Wire, or Rise.
º Find your Financial Overview & Payouts History easily appears in the Affiliate Dashboard 🔻



This Introduction video will help you better understand the Affiliate Dashboard 🔻
